Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers' Day


Fathers' Day started with breakfast in bed and presents for Allen. I've added a photo of him and the children and their favourite present - a chocolate super dad shirt! They are enjoying sharing it with Allen as I type this. We then went off to meet friends for a brunch. Unfortunately I drove to the wrong restaurant, after a few phone calls we worked out where we were meant to be and got to Gangelt, in Germany, an hour late! We were all in good spirits though and the brunch was great. A bargain too. It included bucks fizz so I was happy. All very continental but fun. The rest of the day was taken up with playing the Wii, a new dance work out game - funny to watch, going on the trampoline - between the rain, Allen going out for a run and me cooking a roast tea. So all in all a very relaxing Fathers' Day. Movie time now. School finishes at the end of the week for the summer. We're all looking forward to the break. I've been teaching year 6 for a week so that has been quite easy.



carriesweatland said...

Wow you've been busy! We had our last week of school, which kept everybody hopping and then straight to our vacation in Mexico. It was all a bit of whirlwind, but very fun. We are now back in Montana to a rather cool, damp summer. I'm wondering when the sun will arrive in force? Your kids and all look great, and your pictures are capturing your adventures there. Are you taking the summer off? I am, though I am thinking of taking some university classes to help sort out my teaching credentials. It has proved to be a pain to change states. I plan to go back to my same job next school year, but it is dependent upon enrollment. Hopefully there aren't any snags. I just posted a blog on Mexico. If you any desire to see the plethora of pictures, I'll send you that link. Otherwise the blog highlights the vacation. Now we are just here for the rest of the summer. I'll stop rambling...our best to you!

ceri said...

Nice photos, Rachael. We're off to Mum's tomorrow for a few days at her beach. Amsterdam looks like fun.