Saturday, September 26, 2009

I've pulled a Tornado!


Well today I managed to pull a Tornado, not on my own of course, with a team of 10 ladies. It was a lot harder than I thought for, but we did the 30 metres in 2.07 mins. There were two ladies teams and we beat the other team. To start with the rope was very thick and rather wet. Next we were all a bit close together and I was worried I'd be treading on people's feet and thirdly it was extremely heavy! I've put in a few photos of the day. It was all for charity and was good fun. There's a party here today to say goodbye to the Tornado's as that particular type of fast jet has been decommissioned. The new type of jet (not allowed to put the name according to Allen) arrived last week, just another fast jet to me but everyone seems very excited about them.

I've also put in a couple of photos from Jacob and Abi's assembly on Friday. It was the school's 21st birthday so they had a party day. Jacob got another certificate and they both got one to commemorate the 21st birthday. Off ten pin bowling later as Jacob got his 20 star stickers. Tomorrow we are going to our first Conservation Group meeting. Jacob has joined for the year and it's a meet and greet session. Abi's off swimming with Allen. So lets hope the snow stops for our drive into Stanley tomorrow, yes it's been a snowy day here today. Hoping for sun again soon.



ceri said...

at first reading, i thought jacob was going to his "Conversation Group" and i thought that sounded very sophisticated. what topics would they cover, i wonder?

my wedding #1 is this saturday in atlanta, and nana is babysitting.

today is owen's first day of "ultrasports" and i'm wondering if he will survive . . .

carriesweatland said...

A tornado must be a helicopter. You've certainly been hitting the gym hard! I bet that's something very people can claim to have done. Of course, living in the Falkland Islands in-and-of-itself is very unique. Say hi to Jacob & Abi for us, Carrie

Claire said...

It looks soooo cold with you - 104 F here at the weekend but suddenly dropped 20 degrees today and it feels quite chilly!

Congrats on the Tornado pull, very impressive!!!

Take Care, Cx

Mum at Holwell said...

Hi Rachael,
I'm hoping I've finally managed to access this comment box in reply to your blog, having forgotten my original password. It's great to know you are exercising your muscles in a very unique way. Speak with you soon,bestwishes to Ceri and Carrie.I enjoy reading the comments and hearing about life in America.