Allen was in a Ready Steady Cook competition last night. We sat at his table and he, and 2 proper chefs cooked a meal in 90 mins. They had a surprise box of food for the night. We had 10 people at our table and it was all good fun. The food produced was excellent. Allen came 3rd out of 4 but the scores were very close. I was impressed by all the courses - fish wrapped in palma ham, followed by lamb encroute with pureed sweet potatoes, asparagus and new pots and finally a yummy chocolate molten cake. The winners were the most experienced chefs but everyone had a fun time so that was what mattered to us!
I've included a photo of the happy chef, he got to keep the outfit. Off out tonight and Wednesday, does it ever calm down here? Lovely and sunny too so I'll be off out for a walk later. Oh, actually managed to go to the gym but it was full of men - nice to look at but it did put me off working out!
Hope all's well
Who'd of thought that there was so much to do in the FI's? Sounds like you are all having a terrific time! Good to hear!!!
mmmmm! i'll have some molten cake, please! hold the lamb.
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