Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sports Afternoon


Jacob and Abi had their sports afternoon today. Neither were that bothered about winning which was nice. Jacob came first in the egg and spoon and Abi was pretty close in her race. They did a round robin thing first and then races at the end. Their team came 3rd but they were oblivious! I've included a photo of them with their certificates.

Marion and I went wool spinning this morning. It was a lovely day and good to get the car back from the West. Someone put it on the ferry for us and then drove it to base, so that was very handy. I've spun enough of the fleece to now mix it, getting closer to the end product - a ball of wool, but it's still going to take another week until I'm there. Marion enjoyed it but was getting a bit frustrated too.

Off to Stanley tomorrow. Missed Princess Anne who was there yesterday and today. She's now off on a cruise to South Georgia. Base have sent a boat down with the cruise liner as a back-up, just in case. A couple of the wives got to go too, didn't go as it was 10 days away (did consider it though).

Bleaker Island on Friday. Everyone has assured me that helicopters don't normally make your stomach end up in your throat and it was just a bit too windy the day we went! So let's hope for a calm day on Friday.

Hope all's well



ceri said...

i see Abi is wearing braids these days. i'm not sure i'd even remember how to do those!


Rachael said...

Wasn't me doing them, can't you tell Grandma is here! She doesn't even get her hair brushed when I'm in charge!

carriesweatland said...

Hi There!
We're still in our house, and I guess we'll be able to stay for a few more months. The "housing budget" needs our rent, and they don't have the staff to fix up and turn over the house quickly enough if we moved out. Very government. Anyway, I'm happy with it.

Sounds like you are having a good visit with your Marion. What are you going to knit with your new wool?
Oh, some questions about the Southern Hemisphere: 1. Do bathtubs really drain in the opposite direction? 2. Have you seen the Southern Cross constellation? I bet your view of the stars at night is spectacular. 3. Do you get an aurora borealis near the South Pole (we call them the Northern Lights, as they are near the North Pole). I have always wanted to see them.

Not really much else to report. I've been back to day-to-day subbing, but still haven't had a day off yet. That's okay, summer break will be here soon enough.

Say hi to Jacob & Abi for us.