We had our final family weekend away this weekend and went back to Race Point Farm. It's a self catering cottage on the East Island so you can drive to it. I've included a photo of San Carlos, which is on the way to the farm - note the dirt track that we drove on for an hour and a half to get there! The children weren't in school as the teachers didn't make it back due to the volcanic ash so we left Friday lunchtime. The weather was great, lovely and sunny. Saw a rescue helicopter on the way that had run out of fuel! We chose to have evening meals in the farm house, so we enjoyed both nights with John, Michelle and their daughter Taliha. Jacob and Abi both had a go at horse riding and loved it. I've included photos of them on So Bold - Abi, and Pent - Jacob. We also did a walk up to Settlement Rocks. It was very windy but we still enjoyed exploring and climbing, I've put in a photo from the rocks looking down on the Settlement.
We discovered a box of Monopoly which Jacob and Abi loved so we found our travel set when we got home. I can see we'll be playing it alot!
On our return we packed for 3 hours while Jacob and Abi were round one of the neighbours. The actual packers are in on Wednesday but I want to get most of it done. I'm leaving them anything breakable or electrical. Abi's having her girls tea party on Thursday so all the boxes should be done by then and stacked up. They are being picked up Friday. We're off to the Governors in Stanley for dinner on Friday evening along with 3 couples from base and one couple we know in Stanley - should be fun. We have to move into a transit quarter for 2 weeks so ours can be decorated and our replacements can move straight in. That move starts on Saturday. We have been told to do a minimal clean as the decorators will mess it all up!
I'm still working in pre school although only 2 sessions this week. Looks like I'll be in until the day we fly! We have our address in Brampton now but still no news on where to after that. I'm busy booking holidays while we're in the UK.
Hope all's well.