Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Carcass Island


We have just returned from a 2 night away trip to Carcass Island. It takes about an hour and 5 mins to get there by helicopter. It's to the far west of the West Island of the Falklands (we live on the East Island). It's a beautiful island, similar to Pebble. The seas around it are so blue and green, truly breath taking. I could have easily sat and stared at the sea for most of the time, well that would be if I didn't have Jacob and Abi to sort out! We stayed in a fully catered lodge. The food was excellent so now the diet starts! We got there in time for afternoon tea and then went out to the closest beach, a 30 second walk. The first 2 photos are from that afternoon. There's a cruise ship in the distance, they were only there for the afternoon and we didn't see them our end. We had loads of Magellanic penguins around, 2 even lived in the lodge's garden. Six French people arrived on our first night, very noisy and got up at 5am to go out and take photos. They only stayed one night thankfully.

The next day, Rob, the owner, drove us to a beach 2 and a half miles away. It was full of magellanics, so full we weren't sure were to sit! We then walked back and spent the afternoon building sandcastles with moats and relaxing in the sun.

On Monday Rob dropped us at the far end of the island so we could see the elephant seals. The next photos are of 2 elephant seals, Jacob took the shot and then one of elephant seals and penguins. We walked quite a way along the coast and it was full of the huge seals, we had to be careful were we were walking so as not to tread on penguins or seals. We had a lovely break away. The weather was gorgeous and the food excellent.

Allen's got most of this week off so hoping to go into Stanley and visit a few places that Marion hasn't seen yet. I'm showing Lady Peach around pre school tomorrow, no kids in though as we're still on holiday so a bit of a waste of time really. Oh well it'll make me tidy it up I suppose!

Hope all's well


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