Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First week of School

Hi Everyone

All has gone extremely well so far and we are on day 3 of school. The children are excited each morning, which is great, and the house is looking a lot cleaner! Jacob had to skip into first grade, or he would have been in with Abi. All seems fine. We have a back to school night for him in a week or so so I'll find out more then. I've included a photo of them on the steps from Monday.

Did lots of drive throughs yesterday. Not sure if you have all of these in the UK:
drive through bank, pharmacy, liquor store, Starbucks. I don't normally visit these all in one day so it was a bit strange!

Also Jacob was having a cuddle in bed this morning and said laying on me was like laying on a warm beanbag. Today I am off to the gym!

Labor Day here this coming weekend so we're trying to decide what to so. Have booked for Disney California in October. I will not be telling the children until we are in the car to go though!

Hope all's well



carriesweatland said...

Sorry to hear about the car, but thankfully you can borrow a friends for your trip! The kids look ready for school and I'm sure they'll do really well. Things are good here. Our trip to NM fell through (my sister backed out, and the Brian had a hard time getting off work on Friay.) So we're trying to come up with a small trip with in 2-3 hours of a drive. Last minute, but sometimes those work well. Our best, Carrie

Rachael said...

We're actually going to rent cars for the future trips. Have booked the California one so I'll email you with the details. Sorry to hear about the NM holiday. Hopefully you'll post what you ended up doing on your blog spot and I'm sure it will be fun. Allen's off today - Friday so we've had a relaxing morning by the pool and are now off shopping without children. We also have a babysitter for tonight so we're off into Denver with the neighbours.