Monday, February 27, 2012

Culture week 2012

We have enjoyed another Culture week at Afnorth. A variety of events were held over the week. Abi took part in the talent show. She did 3 cheers with her squad. They opened the show and were very good. I've included one photo of her cheering. She also was a magician's assistant. They did 2 tricks and it went well. Jacob didn't want to take part! He was in a recorder show and I've included a photo from that performance. At the end of the week there was a parade. Abi went as a cat and Jacob was a gangster. I was teaching that day so didn't manage to get a photo! I have included one from them as the parade in Sittard though. At the end of Culture week it was then the Carnival break. Ruth, a friend from University days, arrived for the week. We went out in Cologne for the night to celebrate carnival. We were lucky enough to meet up with some German friends who took us out for the night. Everyone was dressed up and it was very traditional music even though we were in a night club. It was a great atmosphere and felt a bit like a New Year in Edinburgh. We stayed the night in a very posh hotel and then did a bus tour of the city the next day.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hair cuts and sledging

We all went for haircuts 2 weeks ago. I hadn't had mine done since my birthday in August up in Scotland so I asked for a major cut and got one! It is very nice and really easy to do, ie I don't have to do anything. Abi had a trim, Allen was in charge of Jacob's hair cut - see the photo for the result! I was a little worried that school wouldn't be impressed as I know, in the UK, patterns in boy's hair is not allowed. School were fine, Jacob loves it as do all of his friends. He now thinks he'll be getting his hair done regularly there!

We've had our first snow this year so off we went sledging with the neighbours. It was great fun. I've included photos from the morning. I did have a turn but didn't get any shots of me.

Cheerleading continues to rule our lives, Abi got to cheer with the big girls at the weekend. I have to say Abi's group were much more enthusiastic than the older ones who all seemed a little embarrassed. Talent show dress rehearsal after school today. Abi is cheering plus being a magician's assistant. She really just takes over and does the magic too, poor Jamie. I will post a picture from the actual show next week. Jacob is happy to watch and not take part.

It's Thinking Day on Saturday for the girl Scouts. The Daisy troop are doing Scotland so I've taught 19 6 and 7 year olds a dance that they will perform. I've now got to make stovies for about 100 people plus having Allen work people around for a party on Friday - going to be a little busy.
