Have have had about 3 weeks at home so here's what we have been up to:
The weather has been un-usually cold and wet in The Netherlands for summertime, so my plans of lounging at the outdoor pool and getting a decent tan have gone, as has my tan! So, instead we have visited some inside stuff. The first photo is from a place place and is of Jacob and a new friend Jamie. They are both very sweaty and are building houses with oversized lego bricks. It kept them entertained for hours. Glad he's not grown out of these places yet. The next photo is from Mondo Verde. A place we go to regularly as we are season ticket holders. We did get wet, as it rained, but no one cared. Next up is blueberry picking, again got a bit wet but loads were picked and eaten. The next day we went to our friends house for American waffles with blueberries. Abi and Haley (who you can see peeking through the bushes) made blueberry pie - yummy. Next one is from a science place in Sittard. It's a hands on, no health and safety place! Blow torches and deep fat fryers were on hand with no adult supervision - they had a blast, literally. I took an extra child so spent more time worrying about her than Jacob and Abi burning themselves. Funnily enough both my two burnt themselves when I was incharge at the roasting coffee activity. Abi dropped her beans on the floor and made an almighty fuss, she was fine, not even a mark. The photo is of them building walls. Their favourite activity was making crisps and the Queen's dinner - a magnetic activity involving water and getting soaked. We were there all day and didn't managed all of the activities so will go again. I'm hoping to take a school trip there too. Next photo is from Schinveld park, a play park with a water feature which was freezing. Didn't stop my 2 from going in. Last photo is from a Barefoot walk. You walk, barefoot, on a variety of surfaces including muddy water parts, the childrens' fav. I took two extras and, of course, George fell in the biggest muddly puddle there was, he smelt a bit but was fine!
Off to the UK today, will update when we return.