Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Holidays


Jacob and Abi's Easter holidays have been extended by a week. All of the teachers went off island for Easter so they have all got stuck in the UK due to the volcanic ash. I did offer to work in the school but haven't heard anything. Hoping the teachers make it back soon as it's playing havoc with my packing and cleaning plans!

So this holiday has been relaxing. We obviously started it with the trip to Ascension, on our return we did local bits and pieces. I've included a photo of Jacob looking very pleased with himself after some successful stone skimming and one of Abi collecting pottery by the sea. We have since made a tile out of the pottery pieces with the help of our neighbour Jill. Abi smashed the pieces up and made a coaster in a heart shape, very impressive.

It has also snowed lightly over the last 2 days so I've added a photo of Abi outside of our house in the icy puddle!

I've had to work at pre school this week as 3 of the staff are stuck in the UK. Looks like I'll have to work on and off until we leave. I should still manage to sort the house as I'm only a helper at pre school not running it.

Off swimming with the kids on base. Hope all is well


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