It's been nearly 2 weeks since Allen had his knee operation and all is going very well. He's nearly off his one crutch and the wound is dressing free and looking good. After only a week we all went and stayed with the Knights. Jacob and Abi were so excited and rushed off straight away. We didn't see them for a good hour. It was a relaxing 2 days, you can't always say that with children! Abi and Emma carried on as if they'd never been apart and Jacob loved the creative games Henry came up with, and Charlotte fitted in with both groups. Shrivenham was a very green place, having seen it I wouldn't mind going there.
Before that I fitted in a 2 night camping trip with the kids plus Mum and Dad. We only went 5 miles down the road in case Allen needed us. We all had a fun time although Grandad Holwell may have other views on it! I forgot the camera but Grandad did take some pictures. I had Abi in with me one night and Jacob the next. Lovely cuddles from both of them!
Jacob was a very lucky boy when we returned and the Lego Death Star that his Grandma Melrose bought for him arrived. It has taken him 2weeks to build it. It is for 14+ so he's done extremely well with minimal help from Allen and I. Now however we're having to play Star Wars with it! Jacob also got his SATs results for year 2 back and he did brilliantly, above average for his age group.
We have bought a new car, just waiting for it to arrive. We ended up with a Skoda Superb. We wanted an estate but neither of us realised you'd have to order one 6 months ahead! Should have it 2nd week in August so we're still hiring at the moment.
So, our Falklands' stuff arrives tomorrow and the assessor comes to see about our boxes going off to Holland. I'm off to Uncle John's funeral on Thursday with Dad, then it's a major Ikea trip on Friday. We've also caught up with friends this last week including Jacob's God parents Charlie and Steve and Ali who's 9 months pregnant and looking good. Seeing Ruth, another Uni friend, this weekend in Birmingham - shopping is on the cards I think!
Hope all is well