Abi ended up having another party, like mother like daughter! Her 3 best friends from school were all away in the UK for her actual birthday so we did another one today for them. Jacob was on a sleep over at Beavers so it was a good time to do a girls only party with him being busy elsewhere. There were 5 girls, we'd invited Isabelle too (she came to Port Howard with us a week ago). Started off with a girly pass the parcel followed by art activities. They sat there happily for an hour being arty and we then ate lunch. After lunch it was time for musical bumps and statues and finally cake and icecream. It was so much easier with just girls. So I had a relaxing morning really. I've included a photo of the art activities and one of them at the table.
Jacob arrived back at 1.30pm. He'd had a lovely time. I'd been worried as he's been in trouble pushing other people this week, but apparently he was brilliantly behaved. The boys that annoy him at school weren't there so perhaps that's half of the problem.
Jacob and Abi will be in bed by 6.30 tonight, Jacob didn't go to sleep til gone 10pm and Abi was up at 6am. Off out for dinner in Stanley tonight which should be good. Allen's playing golf all day tomorrow so I'm going to St George's Day at church for cubs and then to the cinema.
Have been talking to a farmer today about buying a cow - for eating purposes. Did you know a butchered cow costs 500 pounds (I know that won't interest you Ceri). Am going to see if I can get 5 families to buy a cow. I just wonder what we'll get meat wise as I don't buy beef - until we got here as it's all local. So I may be emailing those meat eaters amongst you when all this beef arrives to get some ideas about how to cook it!
Hope all is well