Hi All
Yes it is summer here and I have sunburn to prove it. I've been really careful with the children but forgot about me. I worked in pre school for 2 mornings, lovely kids and really well run so it's not going to be too hard to take on in April. We were out in the garden but it was windy so I didn't notice the sun. Later I walked to school and walked the children home and then we played in the park for a good half hour. So too much sun for me. Was going to go to the gym but the weather was so good I decided to go for a walk. Two of my neighbours were going up Mount Harriet so I joined them. It's just outside Stanley and was a place the Argentine's dug in during the war. We saw the dug outs, old shoes, tins and wires too. There's a memorial up there as 2 Brits died in that particular battle. I've included a photo from the memorial looking down to the coast. As we were walking up I tried 2 of the Island's most common berries, the Tea Berry - tastes a bit like candy floss and the Diddle-Dee Berry - more sour but plenty of them. People make jam from the Diddle-dee ones and I'll have to try just to say I've made it with such a strange named berry!
So no wool spinning for me this week due to working at pre school but will try and go this coming week. Jacob went to his first birthday party, all boys and Star Wars themed so he was happy. Abi went for cake and then swimming so she wasn't left out. Had people round for dinner Saturday night which went well and then it was a family Sunday lunch at the Mess today so no cooking. Good choice of everything and nice people there too. We also put together Jacob and Abi's bikes and then did some riding lessons. I've included photos of them both. Jacob went a bit further on his own than Abi but they both had a good try and we'll do more during the week.
I got 2 books out from the library about the Falklands. One was a Lonely Planet Guide and the other a diary about the invasion written by a Falkland Islander. He's doing weekly talks for the next month which Allen and I are going to try and go to. I'm off to learn how to change a tyre on a four wheel drive car and will also be in pre school. The primary school is being OFSTEDed this week so that'll be interesting. We're going in to see their teacher, not sure if this would have happened normally or if it's due to the inspection.
Anyway bedtime for the kids is calling, hope all's well. Hoping to get out on a helicopter next weekend once we've worked out how to book a flight!