Hi All
My Mum and Dad have been here for a week and we've had a great but busy time. I let them have a rest day the day after they landed and then off we went! We visited the Botanic Gardens in Denver. Much more pleasurable with them than with my two. I actually got to look around it all - not just roll down the hills and look for fountains to play in! I've included a photo of me and Mum in the cutting garden.
We then had a long weekend in the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks. It was a long drive but it was worth it. The two parks are very different. One being very scenic and the other hot pools and weird smells. We did a hike up to a waterfall and then around a lake, about a 4 miler. Everyone coped very well. I've included a photo of most of the party on a bridge during the hike. We stayed in wooden cabins and had a BBQ. We also managed to roast marshmallows - see photos. Yellowstone was more of a drive through. We saw Old Faithful but I was more impressed with the steaming grounds and the 'paintpot' basin than a 2 minute blast from a geyser. We encountered lots of bison and also saw a moose on the hike. Everyone really enjoyed the trip.
Back to school routine for the rest of the week, Jacob's got loads of homework which we need to start. Mum, Dad and me went to Red Rocks, Golden and outlet Mall shopping. All went down well. Barack Obama was in Golden at the same time as us but I doubt he had such a nice morning. Lunch by the river and a lovely walk along the river for us.
Mainly routine for the rest of the week. Jacob's got an eye appointment at the hospital and I've got to have 4 fillings. Doing a BBQ on Friday to introduce Mum and Dad to the neighbours and some other friends.
Other main news is we'll be back in the UK for Christmas and then flying off to Allen's next posting. He's being promoted and we're off to the Falkland Islands for 18 months. I was a bit shocked to start with but have been in touch with someone out there and it sounds like an interesting place. I will be really sad to leave here and will miss the skiing, school and people.
Hope all's well with everyone