Hi All
Marion arrived safe and sound and we have been busy over her first few days. Friday we went to the North Pole. Well actually it was Colorado Springs and Santa's Workshop. We had a brilliant time and I will take the children again. Santa was very believable and it was handy to hear that Jacob wants a Star Wars game for Christmas and Abi asked for shoes! We left as it started snowing and had a very slow drive back home. I only skidded as we turned into our road narrowly avoiding a wall! I was driving our 'new' people carrier (minivan for those Americans reading this). I love it, Allen's not keen.
Jacob came home from school with a Gingerbread house that he made with his study buddy - see photo. He's gradually been eating it! Also found out at the hospital that he's definitely allergic to eggs so we'll have to be a bit more careful with what he eats. His lung capacity has improved 300% though so his inhalers are doing the job. Next appointment for him is 7th January (eyes). Abi's fine, well apart for the let me do it, don't touch me etc.....
Saturday was the Nutcracker. It was a good performance. Only 45mins each half. At half time Jacob and Abi twirled all over the place (see photo). They both lasted very well although Abi went out 10 mins before the end as she needed the loo. So our first ballet show went down very well with everyone.
Sunday it was food shopping for taking up to Breckenridge and last minute presents. We also had 2 Christmas parties to go to. Allen and I went to one on our own which was nice and then we all went to a school one. Very successful and a nice started to the holiday.
Got to now pack the Ford up with presents, clothes, food and the tree to take up to the lodge for the week. We're taking Jacob and Abi skiing later and Marion's sorting the lodge out! Will be skiing on Christmas morning and then enjoying a huge ham plus all the trimmings.
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and fun New Year